If you are having more than just one active social account on internet, it must be very difficult for you to manage all the stuff, give replies to comments, check messages, there is so much information to process. Well, to make things simpler here is a solution offered by MyLife.com which can integrate all your social networks to one platform and provide you with all the data analytics you need. It’s a unique Personal Relationship managing software, which can be accessed from internet anywhere in the world and you don’t need to have the capacity to digest extensive information, it gives you with a very comprehensive data and analytics of your personal accounts over the internet. It not only includes social media services but you can also integrate various e-mail accounts at one place. You can also maintain all your valuable information like work connections across multiple social networking platform and it includes almost all leading platforms.
It also lets user to sort and manage user profiles across various accounts. You can also search through various other profiles in the same platform itself, with a database of over 1.2 billion user searchable profiles. It also lets you know if someone is searching for you, in fact it is the only website which enables some user to get a notification if he/she is being searched by someone. You can visit the website yourself and check out the cool features.
It also lets user to sort and manage user profiles across various accounts. You can also search through various other profiles in the same platform itself, with a database of over 1.2 billion user searchable profiles. It also lets you know if someone is searching for you, in fact it is the only website which enables some user to get a notification if he/she is being searched by someone. You can visit the website yourself and check out the cool features.
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