One of the enormous undertakings of finding employment apart from the actual job-searching itself is the refining of the resume for every submitted application. Every submission can be a half-hour process of editing and composing a cover letter. In return, the average applicant these days is promised nothing in return but the assurance that their resume has been sent into a supercomputer packed with countless others. It's plenty of effort for little reward, which can easily lead to discouragement and decreased motivation. Online services, such as Monster, have provided a more streamlined method for job-seekers and employers to find each other, but these services work on a basic association of factors between the two and simply acts as a forwarder of information. The bottom line is the main chunks of fat are still not being removed on the part of the job-seeker with these services. In other words, job seekers still aren't able to know how they stand against the competit...