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Showing posts from August, 2010

Draw on your phone using Stylus

If you are a user of Nokia 5233/5230/5800 Xpressmusic or some other Symbian 60 5 th Edition device, then here is a piece of amazing software for you to take quick notes and draw drawings using your stylus, which generally comes with touch screen mobiles. Download and install Scribble for Nokia S60 V5 devices from here and explore your creativity. Here is procedure to run this application- 1.        Download and install Python Runtime v2.0 on your phone 2.        Download and install Scribble on your phone

Simon Panrucker's Beans Game

Today I came across the most annoying, strangest time-waster site which has a flash embedded page packed with Simon Panrucker's beans game! I played this game and absolutely loved it. It was the most bizarre and kookiest thing I've ever seen, but kind of addicting at the same time... When the beans looked at their friends, I smashed them. I'm scared at how much I enjoyed that! Smash screaming baked beans with a click of your mouse. Well, that brought the kid running to see what I was doing. Don't try to catch that running one without a mouse. I couldn't catch him:(   Thanks to Simon Panrucker - this is excellent. I'll have to go and visit whenever I need a laugh, and the chance to squash things! Click here to go and play the game.