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Showing posts from April, 2009

Wherever You Go, Carry Your PC With You (But How??)

You will be quite amazed to view the heading but how can you actually carry your PC with you. This post will give you the easiest way to install almost every application on your USB 2.0 storage device, such as iPods, USB flash drives, portable hard drives, USB-enabled cell phones, and USB-enabled digital cameras. MojoPac turns any USB 2.0 into a portable computing environment. MojoPac is a software virtulization product that supports popular applications such as Firefox and Microsoft Office , and it is also high performance enough to run popular PC Games such as World of Warcraft and Half-Life 2 . The best part of MojoPac is that  you can't access the host PC's disks while you are in MojoPac space, but while you're in the host PC you can write to your MojoPac drive easily. To initially setup the MojoPac device, the user runs the installer and selects a USB device attached to the system. Once MojoPac is installed, it creates an executable in the root of that device alon...

Create Dummy Folder and Protect Pen Drive from Viruses

The protection of pen drive from viruses,trojans etc. is a matter of utmost importance as they carry a lot of useful stuff in a small space. But if you are using your pen drive on public computers there are high chances that you can caught by viruses. So what will you do? Read this post for the best possible solution that I found while surfing on net. Well the basic concept that why virus attack the pen drives is that they contain some amount of free space which makes the virus to attck and copy itself in the drive and harm the executable files . So we are going to use only this concept, that is, we will fill up all the space with a dummy file. To do this, you have to use a command known as fsutil . To know more about this command, click here .                                        FOR WINDOWS XP USERS Know the free space of your pen drive by right clicking--> properties. The highlig...

Create your Personal Business Card Online

Business Card Star provides an easy way out to design your Business card yourself online. You can simply go to their site and create your Professional looking Business card. Some of silent features of this service is- No Sign Up Necessary Just try out making your card and then sign up. Over 100 layouts, colours, text size, fonts, etc. Save your card as a strip of 8 alligned Business card in pdf format and print them at your home. You can also order that Business card through website itself. I've made a Card for myself, check it out below Link:- Get Started | Demo Video

Google Labs Adds Similar Image Search

With the recent feature of Similar Image Search by google labs, the image search has become more stronger. Now you can easily find the related images with this recent feature and that too very easily. This was a much awaited need that is now fulfilled by Google. Image Search is a tool you can use to find just about any kind of image, but it can sometimes be difficult to find the right image if you can't describe it in words. The new Similar Images feature was developed with just this in mind. Using it you can now find images that look like an existing result simply by clicking on a link. Using visual similarity, you don't have to refine the text of your search, instead, you can just click on the link of an image you like. For example if you search Temple then you will get a bunch of images showing Similar Images   link below them . To go to the Similar Image Search, click here .

Learn MBA Concepts in Geeky Way

In this world of globalization, everyone wants to be compete with the rest of the world and so is the competition in the field of management. In order to do so, you must be aware of what the world is learning and grasp their viewpoints also, but how will you do that ?? With Go Hi-Tech, you don't need to be worry as I will provide you a solution to much of your management problems. MBAVID is a free web portal that contains video lectures from experts in enormous fields like Finance Strategy Leadership Marketing Operation & Supply-Chain Economics Accounting Entrepreneurship Information Technology Consulting Sales & Negotiation Innovation Business School Tips Business Entertainment and these come absolutely free !! . To sign up, click here .

Google News now as Timeline

Google Labs has recently released, one of the amazing feature of Google News Time line. This shows the news in form of time line. You can get a view of this feature at  Google News Timeline features search results from many different sources, and these are- News Sources Magazines and Newspapers Blogs Baseball Scores Wikipedia Events, Births, and Deaths This is a great way oforganizing information chronologically. Now, its fun reading to news. You must check it out. Links:- Details of Google News TimeLine | Send Feedback

Easily Resize a Partition in Windows Vista

Well as you all might be aware that the softwares like Partition Magic don't work in Windows Vista, you will have to look to different approach which I am going to mention in my today's post. To do this follow the following steps: Click on the Start men u and Right click on Computer and click on Manage.  Click continue to give the permission. Expand the storage and click the Disk Management where, you will find your partitions for your disks. Right click on the partition you’d like to modify and do whatever you want like format, shrink etc.

Add custom Feed URL to Blogger Blog

There are two types of feeds which are generally used in Web 2.0, these are RSS and Atom. You can add an option of your own custom feed to Blogger Blog which will appear as shown below-   As you can see that it is showing more than some default options. You can also add an Alternative RSS Feed address similarly to your blog too. To do this follow the following steps- Login to Blogger Blog. Go to your blog's Layout => Edit HTML section Paste the following above <b:skin> <link href=' Your Feed Link Here ' rel='alternate' title=' Alternate Feed Title Here ' type=' Feed Type Here '/> Finally, save the template when you are done.  For example I've added following code above <b:skin> <link href=' ' rel='alternate' title=' Blogging Tricks ' type=' application/atom+xml '/> By saving the above template I got something like sh...

Hide Items in TaskBar

There are 'n' number of situations where you don't want anyone to jump to your shoulder and see what are you doing(I don't ask why!!!!). So what you do is ,you close that window!!. What if you have a option so that you don't have to close that window and also retain your privacy. So providing you with the software Hide-Win . This is a freeware and you can upgrade to HideWindowsPlus by going to the site mentioned below. With this you will be able to run an application in the background which are easy to toggle. To go to the software site, click here .

View Lyrics In Winamp and Media Player

Many of us would like to view the lyrics of the song while it is played in Winamp or in Media Player. Today I will give you a plugin for both of these so that you can view the lyrics on the go. Also for those people who just can't understand the English songs, this would be beneficial. The special features of this plugin are Only 62.4 KB contains lyrics of songs in all major languages Easy to use and handle So, grab the opportunity and get the plugins from here .

Test Your Programming Skills

Programming is the need of the hour. It doesn't matter you are in which field but it is a must in current scenario. Today I will provide you to a solution on checking your programming efficiency. All you have to do is to register here . This will take you to an arena of programmers. Spoj is the excellent resource for students that I have found on net. Some of its highlights are support for more than 30 programming languages and compilers, including C, C++, Pascal, JAVA, C#, Perl, Python, Ruby, Haskell, Ocaml, and esoteric languages. a rapidly growing problem-set of about 3000 tasks available for practice 24hours/day (in English, Polish, Vietnamese, Portuguese and other languages), including many original tasks prepared by the community of expert problemsetters associated with the project. a flexible testing system, supporting dynamic interaction with submitted programs and highly customisable output of assessment results. intuitive browser-based co...

Add Images inline in Gmail

Using GMail Labs amazing features, now you can add the long waited feature of Gmail adding images in text but not as attachment. This feature could also be used previously but by use of copy and pasting, butt now GMail Labs is offering this feature directly. Moreover, I've also experimented adding some animated Images in text to an E-mail, and it worked. To Enable In line Images in Gmail go to Labs Setting page after signing into your GMail Account. Then check out for a Lab feature named as Inserting Images Click Enable to Enable the feature. Now just move on to Compose Mail in GMail there you will find the Insert Image option just after Emoticons Option.

Gtalk Shortcuts

This post will provide you the shortcut for the most popular IM, Google Talk. This will enhance your Geeky capabilities. All in all these all 18 shortcuts which I m going to provide you. 1) For writing anything bold, just include that word into asterisks e.g.    *Go Hi-Tech* will become Go Hi-Tech 2) For writing anything in italics, just include them in underscores e.g. _Go Hi-Tech_ will become Go Hi-Tech 3) CTRL + Mousewheel up/down will change the font size in a conversation window. 4) CTRL + 5 For 1.5 spaced lines 5) F9 Send an email to the contact you’re chatting with 6) CTRL + L: Left justify text 7)  F11- Start a call 8)  F12- Stop the call 9) ESC- Close the current window 10) For minimizing the current window press ALT + ESC. 11)  Some smileys are converted by Google Talk: , :-O, :-x, :-P, :-D, :-), , B-). 12) CTRL + 1 For single spaced lines 13) CTRL + 2 For double spaced lines 14) CTRL + E: Center text 15) CTRL + R: Right justify text 16) F11 Star...

How To Reduce Page Load Time

All the webmasters would agree that page load time should be as low as possible. This post will focus on HOW TO REDUCE THE PAGE LOAD TIME which is a key factor to increase the functionality of the blog or site. An optimal page load time should be less than 5 seconds. Without wasting any more time, let me give you top 10 possible ways to reduce the page load time: 1) AVOID FLASH CONTENT Flash content is header or titles should be avoided as they take a long time to load. 2) MAKE YOUR HOMEPAGE AS SIMPLE AS POSSIBLE Another major point that you must consider is to make your homepage simple. By simple I mean to say that it should not contain any unnecessarily flash content and heavy images. 3) REDUCE THE SIZE OF IMAGES Size of the images should be kept low. Try using gif rather than png or jpeg. Also if possible, make your blog posts continue reading enabled (which you can learn from here) and try not to show large or animated images on your front page. 4) LIMIT YOUR BLOGROLL You should l...

Create Tabbed Navigation in Blogger | How To

Tabbed Navigation menu in blogger provides much more things in less screen area. It is very usefull in many ways you can also use it just like I've used it on my site. I've used Javascript Tabifier to explain the use of Tabbed Navigation in your Blog. You can check out the Javascript Tabifier homepage at Barelyfitz . An Example of Tabbed Navigation is given at Tabber Example Page . To add a menu like the one shown below- Just follow the steps Explained- Go to your blog's Edit HTML page by clicking on Layout. Expand your widgets template. Go on pasting following codes as specified Copy and Paste the following code above ]]> by searching for ]]> as done in previous post . #tabsidebar-wrapper{ width: 353px; /* This will manage the width of the tab content. Usually this be same as your sidebar*/ float: left; margin: 0px 0px 0px 6px; border: 1px none #ECECEC; } .tabberlive .tabbertabhide { display:none; } .tabber {display:none;} /*---------------------------------------...

Learn French and other languages Easily

I am learning French these days using a free service by Coffee Break French .Now you can also learn various languages using web podcasts by Radio Lingua Network. You need to download these posdcasts to your iTunes software by subscribing to Podcasts feeds . So, have fun learning various Languages. They are also providing these lessons in PDF format so that you can understand how to write the language words. So, give it a try select one language out of a wide range of Languages offered by Radio Lingua Network .

Add Retweet option to your Blog

You must have seen some icons like that of Digg floating around your blog's post and asking you to submit that article to Digg. A similar widget is now available for Twitter also. You can try this widget in your Blogger blog by following some of the very easy steps. Retweet button comes from Tweetme which offers two types of buttons as show below- I am posting here method of Installing both versions. Firstly, For Compact Style button- Go to Layout =>  Edit HTML => Mark Expand Widget Templates Find <p><data:post.body></p> , and just above it place the following code- <div style='float:right; margin-left:8px;'> <script type="text/javascript"> tweetmeme_style = 'compact'; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script></div> Click on Save template and see the result. For Normal Digg like button- Step 1 and 3 are same as above. J...

Now Colour Specific Search in Google Image Search

Google has now expanded its filtering option by introducing the filteration by colour too.Now you can easily search all the images of a specific colour of your choice. You can also combine the color filter with any other image filter to further refine your search. For example, if you're looking for an image of an orange butterfly, try restricting to photos or clip art. As an example, if you search for blue and red flowers, you will get the following images.                      

Keyboard Shortcuts For Windows Media Player and Winamp

By using these keys, you can increase the working speed in media player, otherwise require a conventional mouse to select menus and buttons options. Basically keyboard shortcuts keys help you to save time and you can perform any tasks without leaving the keyboard keys. WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER Shortcut keys Action ALT+1 Adjust zoom to 50 percent ALT+2 Adjust zoom to 100 percent ALT+3 Adjust zoom to 200 percent ALT+ENTER Display the video in full mode ALT+F Go to media player File Menu ALT+T Go to media player Tools Menu ALT+V Go to media player View Menu ALT+P Go to media player Play Menu ALT+F4 Use to close media player CTRL+1 Display media player in full mode CTRL+2 Display media player in skin mode CTRL+B Use to play the previous item in media play...

Customize Your Send to Menu

Right clicking on any folder and then pointing to Send to menu reduces our job of doing Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V to some extent only. We have a limited number of options by default like Bluetooth device, Compressed zipped folder, desktop, documents and mail recipients. But many of you don’t know that the send to menu is also customizable. To do this just type the following code in the search bar of Windows Vista Start Menu without the quotes “%UserProfile%\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Sendto” Once you type that in, you should arrive at the Send To folder. Here you can modify the menu as you choose by deleting icons you don’t want, and adding Shortcuts of the items you want. For example if you want that the folder ‘download’ to be right there in send to menu, just create a shortcut of ‘download’ in that just as shown below. And now my send to menu looks like this.

Enhance Google appearance using Google Fx

Make you Google like much better with Grease Monkey Firefox Add on and using a Simple Google Fx Userscript. Google Fx script makes Google Graphic Interface  much better. To get appearance of Google like as shown above, first install Greasemonkey as told here , then go to and Install  the Greasemonkey script. Links: Script Homepage | Greasemonkey | Screen shots

Most Portable Ubuntu

You might have heard about various version of Linux going portable in Pen Drives, CD Rom or DVD drives, and all this booting live on your system and giving a full experience of Linux even without installing it. But have you heard of Linux running live in your computer, along with Windows. Just like Hackintosh works to run Mac inside Windows powered computer. There is a release of Ubuntu by Claudio César Sánchez Tejeda which can be used inside windows just like a virtual OS inside a given OS. This release is of about 440MB in size and takes upto 1GB on extracting. You can download this Free Operating System from . For documentation and relase notes visit here .

10 Tips To Reduce Spam

Spam , also known as junk e-mail, involves nearly identical messages sent to numerous recipients by e-mail. A common synonym for spam is unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE). Definitions of spam usually include the aspects that email is unsolicited and sent in bulk. "UCE" refers specifically to unsolicited commercial e-mail .In this post, I will give you the best 10 tips to reduce spam in your inbox. Don't Publish Your Email-id On Your Website Publishing your email-id on your website or blog means making your inbox open for all. This should be discouraged. Make a Separate Email-id For Social Connectivity We all are engaged with different forums and social networking sites. But you should not sign/register to them using a single email-id. I will reccomend you to make a separate email-id meant specifically for this purpose. Don't Hesitate to Report Spam One should not encourage spammers by not reporting their mails as spam. Whenever you get an unwanted mail, immediately rep...

Get cool Yahoo Emoticons in Blogger

This post is for the persons who uses Blogger as Platform for their blog. You can get Yahoo Emoticons in your blog using blogger by two simple steps. Get Firefox Web Browser and Install Greasemonkey addon . Install the userscript for Blogger When you will be done with above Installations, you will be able to get Yahoo Emoticons in your blog editor like shown below Links :- Get Firefox | Greasemonkey | Yahoo Icons User Script

Add Yahoo Media Player to your Music Blog

If you are having a blog or a website which contains link to music files, and dedicated t music then you can use Yahoo Media Player on your blog/website. To do this you just need to upload your song to a direct link server like . Then after getting link of your music file paste it in your site as usual as you do it using anchor tag. To use Yahoo Media Player, just add following code before </head> section in your blog or any where in your site. <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> Link You will get link like as shown above. If you are reading this post in your feed reader than you might not be able to see the effect of Yahoo Media Player code, to see it visit the post link . Links :- How to Add Audio | How to Embed | How to Use

Save Images from a webpage

If you are a frequent user of Firefox web browser, then and need to save Images of a webpage very frequently then, Save Images addon will help you doing this. For this, just click this link to download "Save Images" add-on for your Firefox Web Browser, and follow the following steps to Save Images. Step 1 Right Click on Webpage, go to Save Images, and click "save images from current tab", to save images from current tab. Step 2 Select the folder, in which you want to save by browsing for it. Step 3 Click Ok an you will be done, with saving all cached Images in your specified folder. Check out the video below to see it in action

Top 10 Ways To Save Your Battery

Today in this post I will give you some tips on how to save the battery of your laptop. So without waisting much time, I start here :- Decrease the Co ntrast By decreasing the contrast, you can save much of your battery. Just choose that amount of contrast that soothes your eyes. Switch-Off Wii-Fii and Bluetooth Many laptops have the shortcut keys for turning off bluetooth and wiifii. These consume a considerable amount of energy. Choose a Power Saver Plan Almost all the laptops have a power saver plan. Switch to that power plan by clicking to the battery. Don't Play Any MultiMedia Thing click below to read more... Multimedia activities drain laptop batteries. So avoid them when you want to save your battery. Decrease Volume Decrease the speaker volume and if possible ,mute them. Remove All The External Drives Remove all the external drives that are connected to your laptop, let it be mouse or something else. Remove Battery While Plugged In If your battery is completely charged, re...

Online Blog Editor

Are you bored of your default online blog editing window that comes along with your blogging platform? So, its time to try some thing new, just check out the online Blog Editing AJAX based tool, which will help you in Blog Authoring. This service is available at WriteToMyBlog, which is a powerful online word  processor. Some of its advanced features are listed below- Supports four mode of editing Standard Advanced HTML Customizable It is free. Save as draft option. Preview option. No sign-up or membership required.

PageRank Update

There is a recent update of Page Rank and a good news is that we've got a direct PR2 from PR0, its all because of support of our blog readers, contributors and followers. Google has pinged all the sites again. See if you also are getting a change of PR.The next ping is expected in the middle of July. So keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best. To check the Page Rank of your site, click here . Further Details of our current SEO status is shown below- So, its time to have some celebrations . So, lets Enjoy... If you want to have Link Exchange, want to show your Advt., or having some query, then Please use the contact form .